K-Dogs​ Kid​z Mission​
In Memory of Kyle
A Voice For
Innocent Children

Kyle (The Original K-Dog)
Out of everything Kyle had going on great in his life, one thing stood out to everyone. Kyle was known for his kindness. The main idea of K-Dogs Kidz Mission is simple. Only based on Kyle questioning why some people couldn't just treat others as they would want to be treated. K-Dogs is explaining this in a way to get everyone excited. Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you? Turns out that was wrong.
Kyle was a gifted student in the GATE advanced program. His name of K-Dog came at the young age of 4 as teenagers lined up to try and beat him on the video game Guitar Hero. At 5 Kyle started lessons for the electric guitar and by 9 was starting to do riffs by the guitar legend Slash. Kyle was a Black Belt in mixed Martial Arts, he swam with dolphins, sharks and stingrays. Kyle even got to walk on the bottom of the ocean around a sunken ship. Kyle dreamed of becoming the 1st Rockstar/Marine Biologist.
Most importantly, Kyle was my son.
Kyle's life ended to early at the age of 11 in a tragic car accident. An accident that never should of happen. Every wrong decision for Kyle's safety was in force. Not done on purpose, so for Kyle, God and myself. . .It is forgiven. The bad choices causing his death do not need my forgiveness.
Kyle's name lives on thanks to the members of K-Dogs Kidz Mission continuing what he believed in.

Funny and silly. Being around Kyle was always a special time. Loved and missed by his father every second and by everyone that knew Kyle. Know one will ever forget Kyle as K-Dogs Kidz carries on his name. Continuing to change the world from the Heavens.