K-Dogs​ Kid​z Mission​
In Memory of Kyle
A Voice For
Innocent Children
There are many ways you can help K-Dogs Kidz Mission
1. Follow the mission and spread the word of what K-Dogs does.
2. Donate to the mission. 100% goes directly to the children.
3. Purchase a K-Dogs product with a donation. 100% goes directly to the children.
4. Enjoy your motorcycle? Join K-Dogs and Ride for a Cause!
5. Enjoy you classic, hot rod or unique vehicle? Join K-Dogs and Cruise for a Cause!
6. Enjoy helping a child? Join K-Dogs and be "A Voice For Innocent Children"
7. Only need to provide minimal time to make a child smile when your available.
8. Become a K-Dogs Big Brother/Sister
9. Become a speaker to the children.
10. Simply help in anyway you can.
11. Be a role model/mentor for the children.
12. Share your experiences to show why you care.
13. You can be part of the K-Dogs Lucky 13 by making a difference. Also a unique K-Dogs Jr. Leadership program.