K-Dogs​ Kid​z Mission​
In Memory of Kyle
A Voice For
Innocent Children

Butler Chapter
The 2nd Official Mission Chapter. . .
George Knochel (Squirrel)
Butler Chapter President
After riding in the very first Memorial Ride for Kyle in 2014 that was put together by an incredible group of bikers and others from Knucleheads in Ross Townshipwww.knuckleheadspgh.com. Squirrel was the right choice to begin a mission in Butler Co. In under 2 years, Butler had grown from a K-Dogs Kids Mission to full Chapter Status with an amazing group of members. The Butler Chapter continures to support the Lawrence K-Dogs Mission as two closely formed neighboring counties.
Making a difference. . .
Getting together the perfect family and working to change their community and those around. You will find members of the Butler K-Dogs assisting other charities all over. These members are so close that there meetings are held with dinner at the presidents house!